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Legal Issues Impacting Your Property

Los Angeles Rent Control Property (RSO) Requires Interest To Be Paid On Security Deposits 

On each yearly anniversary, the landlord is to pay the tenant interest on the security deposit collected. This should be in the form of a check mailed to your tenant. Click the link to find out interest rate for the current and past years.    Security Interest

Where There Has Been A Change of Ownership Or Management, A Specific Form Must Be Sent To Your Tenants 

Failure to send this form will result in a loss of your eviction case. Click the link to find this form.    

Protect Your Vacant Property From Trespassers

An alarming amount of incidents have occurred where thieves break into your vacant unit and attempt to establish residency. Click below for the forms you can use to prevent these occurrances. 

You Cannot Serve A Notice To Pay Rent Unless It Exceeds The Threshold In The City Of Los Angeles And Unincorporated Areas Of Los Angeles County.

Efficiency Unit    $1777
1-Bedroom           $2006
2-Bedroom           $2544
3-Bedroom           $3263
4-Bedroom           $3600

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